Monday, November 15, 2010

Mexico Monday

 Today I will share with you some of my favorite scenes from Day of the Dead celebrations in San Miguel.
Stephanie, myself and Shirley
We arrived in time to immerse ourselves in pre-festival preparations where everyone was walking around with arm loads of flowers, gathering candies and candles, building altars and painting faces.

The cemetery was all a buzz with families bringing life to the quiet places of rest....painting the old, watering the new, refreshing the concrete and adorning with gifts of personal recognition. The marigolds were piled high to light the way of their loved ones spirits, and the aroma was a beacon to direct them to their own party. You see, Dias de los Muertos holiday it is an invitation for the passed loved ones to return to our Earthly place that we may celebrate their life. 

I placed a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup alongside my Daddys photo at Ruth's ofrenda where we stayed. I imagined him to arrive with the usual kitchen towel slung over his shoulder as he fried the bacon and eggs for breakfast. Yes, he was there! Next year I will bake peanut butter pies, fry some chicken and brew a pot of coffee and ask him to dance with me... something jazzy with a saxophone, I recall was his favorite!

Now won't you please join me and share your own memories of Mexico and link your current blogpost below for a Mexican Feast for the soul!


Anonymous said...

Good morning! ahhhh, this is so sweet re-living these marigold moments...


rebecca said...

hola mi amors!!!
postcards from paradise...
perfect beginning for mondays.

Meri said...

Love your pictures ---- I linked my wall post.

susanna said...

Oh my gosh, your photographs are truly a visual feast! What an incredible experience you had in Mexico. I sooooo wish I could have been there, too!

rebecca said...

come, listen to doves cry...

beth said...'re scary :)
what terrific memories you made and had.....

eb said...

ooooooooooooooo Deb!
you've done it
color my world gorgeous...

xox - eb.

Spadoman said...

Thank you for sharing these wonderful photos. I love the Catrinas, all of them so beautiful! Fantastic stuff, to see it even second hand in your photos. We celebrated quite a few lives lived at our place too, and shared some good food.


Spadoman said...

Thank you for sharing these wonderful photos. I love the Catrinas, all of them so beautiful! Fantastic stuff, to see it even second hand in your photos. We celebrated quite a few lives lived at our place too, and shared some good food.
