Sunday, November 7, 2010

Mexico Mondays

Does Mexico intoxicate you? Do you dream in colors of  tagetes orange, pepper reds and habanero yellow? Did you paint your face and dress like Catrina? Do you "get it" when you see dancing skeletons?  Do you display saints and shrines and altars? Does the Mexican folkart influence your very own artistic expressions? Did you stroll the cobblestone streets of San Miguel? Or do you long for  morning tequila and lazy hammocks near  the azure waters, marinated with balmy breezes and salty kisses? No matter what lifts you up, Mexico has it's way of luring us into her charm, holding us captive and we remain drunk with memories. So will you saddle up your burro and join me every Monday on a stroll thru the streets of San Miguel de Allende for the next few weeks? I will have Mr Linky set up so you can sign in and visit a few other blogsloves who also long to ride burros, collect Marys, eat nopales, bathe in sunshine and sip tequila!


Anonymous said...

Oh Deb the photos are really gorgeous and each one of them says so much! Thank you for sharing your journey with us... especially when I can't travel very easily these days. I'm so happy for you going on this adventure.. I bet it was a trip you will never forget.

Love & Light my dear friend.



Kim Mailhot said...

How wonderful ! I can almost feel it, taste it, smell it,hear it when I see it through you...
Ola, Chica !

Billie Mercer said...

Wonderful photos. I hope you are going to hang out in SMA for a while.

turquoise cro said...

AhhHHHHH! There they are, my sweet beloved donkeys!!!and I dream in all those colours+TURQUOISE which I see too!!!I LOVE Mexico's BRIGHT colours!!and all the religious art!! Hope to go one day!

Anonymous said... brings it all back

I am still digging out of a deluge of email and sorting through pics...


susanna said...

Oh wowowowowowow! Your photos are incredible, Deb! The portraist of the young Catrina is wonderful. And the one below it looks like it came out of a travel magazine. Well, they ALL look like they came from a travel magazine! Oh my, you are going to have to make yourself a Blurb book of all these photos. Did your sweetie go with you? Look how cute YOU are in your striped socks!

beth said...

you on that donkey just cracked me up !

Hashi said...

Welcome back Deb :-)