Saturday, September 3, 2011

Haiku my Heart Friday

Mug Rug made by me!

Rocking chair on porch
September morning coffee
Tastes like fall to me


somepinkflowers said...

warm porch~swing morning
cup of Earl Grey tea for me
still the summer calls

rebecca said...

thinking of you this morning as autumn does sneak in, wrapping just a promise of coolness around the long arms of summer.
missing you...and welcoming you all at once. you do that to me, fill and empty me and fill me once again.

gma said...

Welcoming fall with arms wide
open. You have given me the best idea for a project.

Noelle Clearwater said...

Such a sense of home you create with these little things, a mug rug sewn and shown or a moment drinking fall-flavored coffee in a rocking chair described. Even someone distanced from themselves might feel good coming here. You are a wonder.

Nanka said...

Charming Haiku and has a great feel good awareness of the season!!

Margaret Pangert said...

I love how coffee on a cool morning in a rocking chair on the porch evokes fall... Taste, smell... very sensual. Beautiful, Deb!

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

You've painted a perfect picture here, Deb! I am sitting with you...rocking...sipping...tasting autumn.

No Windmill Here!

Kim Mailhot said...

Fall will taste really nice next week - we are headed to the beach for the week so if summer wants one last hurrah, I am good with that !
Have a great weekend, Miss Deb !

Marit said...

Aaahhh... my fave month and my fave drink! Your haiku made me smile and long for more coffee... 'September espresso' it will be. Enjoy your Sunday!

Steve said...

You are so creative and do the neatest stuff! I wish I could send you several inches of the rain we are getting in Mississippi. We've gotten 8 inches here today and it is supposed to rain all day Monday as well. I've been keeping up with the epic drought there in Texas and know you need rain badly.

Hope all is great with life. Steve

Anonymous said...

my world turned from summer to fall...just like that!

I am savoring the cool of the evening and the warmth of the day.


She Who Doodles said...

cup of tea, rocking chair on the porch and a new mug rug. what more could you ask for. enjoy.