Friday, September 16, 2011

Rain on me, please

Texas is thirsty
Imagine rain on shoulders
Quench my thirst raincloud


Marit said...

I admire you for your photographic skills Deb... I'm in oooh and aawe again! Great haiku too... I guess the clouds I send over to you didn't make it all the way to Texas? I will blow harder this time!

Dawn Elliott said...

Each day I think about the drought in the southwest and the flooding back east. Such a tragic dichotomy. I will continue to pray for your parched land.

Annie Jeffries said...

Hi Deb. I've been scrolling through recent posts and enjoying them immensely. The joy and freedom of your self-portraits are exhilerating. The fire photo reminded me of a call I received from my sister last night. She has lived in Texas for decades and recently accepted a job in West Virginia. She started her drive there yesterday. Things were slowed for her quite a bit as she headed east when she found herself surrounded by a grass fire that had jumped the highway and was burning in the median as well. It was a bit hair-raising, just as your photo is.

Cassiopeia Rises said...

Great Haiku and image. Wish I could have sent you some of Irene down your way. I have had enough rain for a lifetime.


Anonymous said...

Wishing our rain and the cleanse of fog your way...


Susie Clevenger said...

Love the image and I so feek the words...I too live in Texas

Dianne said...

Beautiful Deb... all of it!

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

May your pleas be heard!!!!!!!

Chimes here and here and here

Cheryl said...

I don't know if I'd be brave enough to take a photo like this one of yours. It helps me to know you have lots of land surrounding the bed & breakfast. What will you do when you have guests?

Spadoman said...

Beautiful photo. And I know you do need rain in Texas. Your haiku is like a prayer and will be heard by the proper entity. Sending good vibes your way.


Noelle Clearwater said...

Dear Deb,
It is a beautiful photo. My thoughts are with you my friend. I have been listening to the news of Texas and thinking of you and praying for rain. I know and affirm that it is coming.
Blessings and Peace,

Teteel said...

This photo is one of your best!!!
I adore it!!!
I wish and pray for rain there...