Friday, February 17, 2012

{in the picture}

I am proudly flattered...all a giggly and wiggly 
and jumping for JOY
to be featured in an interview at 

Come see and let her know you stopped by!
Christy is another Muse that
I am so happy to have met this past year
during online classes and her Flickr Group


Unknown said...

Wow Deb, great interview, so nice to know a little more about you!

Unknown said...

Stopping by from Urban Muser. I LOVED your interview. You have inspired me to step out a bit in my self portraiture. I need to find some more creative ideas of taking my picture! I'm working on being true to who I am and seeing the beauty in that. That's why I'm loving {in the picture}. It helps me see who I am and be able to express it!! Thanks again for the inspiring interview!

Anonymous said...

was just SHOULD be giggly jumping for joy...great interview


it would be hard to miss with YOU!
what the hell with these new wordy things every blog has gone takes me several attempts to prove I"m not a robot:)

Teteel said...

So wonderful to jump for Joy!!!
Lovely interview!