Tuesday, February 28, 2012

She is Three, my story behind the photo

please click here to read the story behind my photo, 
unveiling and revealing my truth

"...a new aspect to She Is Three....you will get to hear the stories behind the photos....
Sometimes these stories might be silly, truthful, deep, simple…really whatever the story behind the image is for each of us that month.  Like Deb said in our discussions of this that the images will be “ranging from the deepest truth to maybe how funny it was trying to capture that perfect shot without fishing boats in background or seagulls shitting on your camera..yes, shitting” ~ Vivienne Mcmaster~ 
click here to read rest of Viviennes post

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what a wonderful project...the stories behind the photos.

wishing you all the best on this next journey.