Friday, March 9, 2012

Haiku my Love Friday

 she is three
click here to come see
more of me

and click here 
for more Haiku Love every Friday!


Anonymous said...

You are everywhere...inspiring with your inner and outer beauty.


Lea said...

So beautiful... these three lines, these three women... who looked within... lovely, lovely, lovely...

carol l mckenna said...

lovely ~ well done ~ namaste, carol ^_^ ~ Happy Weekend !

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

A Holy Trinity of thee!

For Sister Moon

Chèvrefeuille said...

Wonderfully done, nice haiku with a surprise (smiles)

foxysue said...

I read your tall story, and I must say although you remark that chunky heeled shoes are foreign to you I thought they added something mysterious and beautiful!

I'm feeling for you and family, we trust in the next step!

Sue x

rebecca said...

it is one thing to look deeply within, to do so with a willingness to see what is and to also share with candor,
a beautiful courage
that encourages us all.

kt40s said...

subscribed and inspired! I love this new adventure you three are taking together a big YES from over here:)

Marit said...

You keep on amazing me with your beautiful photos and words Deb. Thanks!