Sunday, August 19, 2012

I got the Sunday blues

cracked, not broken


rebecca said...

dear beauty,
let me sit beside you in this expanse of sunday blue. let me sooth your soul just listening, taking all your blueness in. let me be a root, a star, a rest, an awakening.
right here, right now.
truth, love and compassion,
waiting for you.

gma said...

As Leonard Cohen says "There is a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in."

carol l mckenna said...

such delightful photos ~ Basie I believe said he was feeling down so he created the 'blues' ~
Such beautiful creativity here ~ Wonderful! (A Creative Harbor)

foxysue said...

You are beautiful, even in your vulnerability, there is a time for all of human emotions.

Peace. x

Annie Jeffries said...

Life is full of cracks, isn't it? Navigation is the trick. And as long as life doesn't break - well, a miss is as good as a mile.