Sunday, January 2, 2011

One Little Word

I have been flirting with the One Little Word  project, trying to decide if I really wanted to commit to one little word with such a huge impact. I dismissed the idea, but it kept creeping into my little mind. Then I got frustrated trying to I dismissed it again. Why bring on so much stress, expectation and responsibility to One Little Word? Then last evening, on New Year Day I saw it. I stopped dead in my tracks. The sign reached out and grabbed me. I laid on the floor and took this photo. So be it. 

This day I will begin yoga practice. 
I will begin a new art journal. 
I will begin to count the days my son returns home from Iraq.

I will begin things I will not share with you here, and hope they will start new beginnings during the year to come. I will print this photo with several copies to remind myself of new beginnings; place them in my car, on my door, in my backpack, in my recipe book, near my pillow.

One Word Project


Hashi said...

I love your word. It's so full of possibility, it's not at all constraining. It's not committed to an end result. All you need to do it BEGIN ... and see what unfolds. Love i!

Dianne said...

It's a wonderful word... My problem is not beginning... it's the follow through... Maybe this year I can work on that...

Unknown said...

Such a beautifully done post. One word can set off a chain reaction once it breaks through the wall of resistance.

rebecca said...

this one little word may take you to ecstasy.....


beth said...

i love it....and i love that quote. i might print it myself and then fill the tub with copies of it and bathe in it :)

the tattoo couple is WAY to fabulous and their photos are amazing !

and you in that bikini. cripes you look good. don't bring that here or i'll have to hate you :)

Kim Mailhot said...

brava ! This is just so damn perfect. I love that the sign came to you in this way. I will be keeping an eye,ear, heart open for mine...
Hugs !

Anonymous said...

this is just the BEST new years word

one little word indeed

that evokes now BIG we can BE


Cheryl said...

I love your word. Thanks for being so inspiring. My word is abundance.

Spadoman said...


Karen said...

Love the word, love the portraits, your blog, your attitude. JEALOUS that you get to visit Beth in Seaside.. you have a wonderful time. Perhaps I'll think of another photo assignment :-)

Karen of This Old House

turquoise cro said...

Wonderful word, I'll have to be thinking of one for me! Word verification is "shedn" Do we shed?! Maybe! Get rid of all negativity, make room for LOVE, Peace, Hope, Faith and Charity!Sending prayers for YOU and your son!

Anonymous said...

i love it, deb, this is my mantra in life and i come back to it over and over again. after i read your post, i came across this quote and thought it would speak to you. xx

Noelle Clearwater said...

Excellent Word and the image says it all. Here is to new beginnings. May your son's arrival home be soon dear Deb! A wonderful and fruitful New Year to you.

Marilyn & Jeff said...

Wonderful word, small but so powerful. Wishing you well as you begin in so many areas.

Bella Cirovic said...

Welcome to year 2 sweetie! Thank you for linking up and for always supporting me. Love you. xo