Thursday, May 12, 2011

Share the Joy Thursday

in Florida with my family!!

Come share your joy today with Meris Musings


Kim Mailhot said...

Soooo good to see you all together. Yummy !
Love to you all !
Kiss the beach for me !

rebecca said...

you appear to be just an inch away from jumping off the page!
and you do with every visit, jump straight into my heart!


Dawn Elliott said...

You look deliciously happy communing with your family and the beach! Your joyous leap makes me
smile! Enjoy!

Meri said...

Oh my -- it looks like you all are delirious with joy. So glad you have this opportunity to celebrate the homecoming and just BE together.

windrock studio said...

Hey Deb, so very happy to see these fun, sunny, smiling images this morning! Y'all must be having a blast together, what joy!