Thursday, June 16, 2011

Share the Joy Thursday

these beautiful people from Austin ( I call them Hippie-Christians) played music that dug way down deep into your soul. 
Click here to listen

It was a fun, fast, festive birthday party for our friend, Bud Royer

come on...



Anonymous said...

HA! Great music and I adore the face masks!! What fun.


Anonymous said...

oh yeah!! you know how to partay!!

Meri said...

Love you in that yellow dress. Love the blurred dance pics. Love the masks -- they're hilarious. Love the joy that exudes from this whole post.

tami said...

I feel like dancing! What an amazing set of images. LOVE!

Marit said...

Now thát is joy!!! I love the photos of you dancing!!! Keep on dancing lovely!

Miss Robyn said...

I love, love your friends hair!! with all those bits tied in.. how does she do that? it is exactly what I had visioned a few weeks ago for my own.. but wasn't game enough to try it!! brilliant..

Dawn Elliott said...

Now that's what I call a scrumptious party! And I got me some joy just looking at the pictures!

rebecca said...

every time i see that yellow dress....
girl, you slay me!

Noelle Clearwater said...

Fabulous. I loved the music. I love Bud for what he does and I love your verve and joy for living Deb. What a Lady you are! Whew! Great stuff! Thanks for sharing the joy!!

couragetocreatewriteandlove said...

you captured the joy in the party!
very well done !!!!

Jamie Ivey said...

what a fun day!

Kathleen Barnes said...

LOVE them hippie christians. I have a family of them myself! Wonderful party..wonderful man!