Saturday, December 3, 2011

Virgin a Day 3

Our Lady of Guadalupe and Bluebird

Today I am featuring Rose Walton, one of my 
favorite folk-artists I discovered on Etsy

Virgin a Day 


Gayle said...

WOW!!!! I can see why she's a favorite!!!

Unknown said...

I love Rose's art too!!!

rebecca said...

deb deb deb!
day three has just begun and already my heart has wings!
thank you for introducing me to rose walton.
i am completely swept away!

Spadoman said...

Great feature for Day 3. I love them all! I believe you have painted a few yourself, and I also know I like them very much as well. I love the Mexican Mary.


Anonymous said...

Wow..her work is fabulous!!

Were your ears burning last night? A local friend discovered your work...we were mutally enjoying and chatting you up my dear


Paula Scott Molokai Girl Studio said...

Yes, WOW! It is easy to see why she is such a favorite! Beautiful.

Her Speak said...

The mexican madonna is sublime-- I adore all the colors and motion. Beautiful! Many Blessings! <3

carol l mckenna said...

Wonderful images ~ love the artist too ~ very colorful and well done ~~ thanks, namaste, Carol (A Creative Harbor)

Cheryl said...

These are really lovely.

Priti Lisa said...

I love vibrant folk art and these are each so beautiful. The Mexican Madonna is my favorite, although the Circle of Love is a very close second♥♥♥

Hettienne Grobler said...

gorgeous! thank you for introducing her work to me - I will have a look - I absolutely love all of these paintings without exception

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

"Star Veil Madonna" gets my vote--all that blue!!!

Fran aka Redondowriter said...

I'm saying Wow, too. That first Madonna just popped out at me, but all are lovely. Thank you for sharing the work of an artist I did not know before.