Friday, July 20, 2012

by the Sea

The Sea
Beckons me
Sit still

Every Friday Rebecca invites us 
to share Haiku Love!
Try this...

three lines of love words
with five seven five words each
or like two three two
or or like three five three

which Haiku are you?


Bruce Miller said...

A perfect 232 haiku!

A Bit of the Blarney said...

Beautiful! Such a tranquil and restful offering!! Thank you! Cathy

Spadoman said...

You are an extreme inspiration in words and photos and your simple enjoyment of living.

Much peace

Marit said...

Your photo (you) is breathtaking, as always Deb! Be still, listen to what the waves tell you, drink life.

rebecca said...

i grew up on the dazzling coastline of southern california.
i left when it grew too crowded, boarded the Queen Elizabeth II to work and sail around the world for years on end, following the seasons from the vantage point of the sea.
when i finally returned to life on land i made my home in mendocino, a tiny town hugging the pacific on a wild and rugged coastline.
to see you so beautifully sitting here before the majesty of the infinite sea i am profoundly awakened; flooded with a life time of conversations and listening to sea.

thank you for returning me to my first and always love.

carol l mckenna said...

lovely haiku ~ with awesome photo ~ very Zen.~ thanks, ^_^ (A Creative Harbor)

Anonymous said...

water laps your toes



Kim Mailhot said...

I love to know you are there.

Happy Friday, Sea-Girl !

Karen said...

Oh yes, sit still and enjoy.

joanne said...

such a cool pic (of you, I think).....I live and love by the sea also, and it is a special gift.....

Cheryl said...

I've never seen the sun rise over the ocean. Must be heavenly.

Jo Murray said...

New day
Waves recede
sun warms

Dawn Elliott said...

I didn't think that you ever sat still, girl!

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

And when you hear the beckoning, you obey...

Haiku for Your Heart