Thursday, April 14, 2011

Courage to Fly

Tomorrow my post will be featured on the Blog Hop 
She asked the question  
"Have you ever taken a risk on yourself? 
Pushed off the branch and flew 
into uncharted territory with nothing 
but inspiration fueling you?" 

the list is long...

please join me tomorrow for my story!


Anonymous said...

In the brief time I have known you I KNOW that you are BORN to fly! Will tune to for the full list.

I have little bits of spring to offer....


beth said...

wow....i know how you answered a huge YES to that question !!!

Meri said...

You're so dang cute I can hardly stand it!

rebecca said...

dear one...
i am off to teach.
when i return i will savor the blog hop in honor of yOu!
loving you beyond words...