Thursday, April 7, 2011

Share the Joy Thursday

The past 2 weeks have been intense, JOYful and yes, profitable!! We took a leap and made the Happy Belly a successful event. We served almost 500 hungry bellies and spread the love, peace and happiness! YES, we will do it again for the Fall Festival. There's really nothing quite like nurturing folks with healthy, fresh food and watching their eyes close, tilt their head back just a bit, lick their lips and listening to their foodgasms. You know that euphoric-guttural-moan that occurs when tasting something delicious!!

A foodie is a person who loves 
or has a deep admiration for food 
and eating food. 
They might feel happy 
or very at peace 
when being around food
~Urban Dictionary~

Joy Movement


beth said...

too fun and too cool !
next year maybe i'll come down....or in the fall :)

Meri said...

Ah -- just the idea of having someone cook for me fills me with JOY! I'm glad you're back to blogging. . . I was missing you!

Anonymous said...

Look at you and your ever so JOY..FULL crew!!

When is the fall festival...a road trip just may be in order!

windrock studio said...

You all are so very beautiful!

" SHABBY JUNK" said...

Looks wonderful! I must get their for the next one! judy

Kim Mailhot said...

You make life so full and fun in all you do, Miss Deb ! Love that !
Happy Foodie Dreams !

Anonymous said...

You are just the sweetest person. It's good to make others happy and that you do well.


Anonymous said...

This looks like such rich and fulfilling 2 weeks. Has Pirate Kat visited you there? Is this a picture of the two of you?
Love from Eva

gma said...

What happy pictures. I was checking the menu board...Hummus with cilantro and lime. Oh yeah! Looks yummy and joyful!!!

rebecca said...

i love you deb...and your easy way of filling others with great jOY!


the gypsy chick said...

your pictures make me so happy! love you my sweet friend! XoXxo

mandy l. smith said...

So incredible! Such joy! You are such an inspiration, Deb! xoxo Mandy

tami said...

you made me happy just seeing the photos! What a JOYful experience thru and thru.

mouse (aka kimy) said...

so totally cool!

congrats on the successful run!

mandy is right you are an inspiration!!

junkgypsy said...

LOVE this DEB!!!! here's to happy bellies everywhere!!! - amie sikes