Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Share the Joy Thursday

I have returned to the waters edge 
so many cherished moments,
victories and reunions


rebecca said...

please carry me close as you
take a log wind kissed walk on the grainy sand....go to the waters edge..dip your splendid feet in for us!
get wet, be salty. cartwheel...
hold your mother's hand. your son. drink him in your every cell.

just spill over the edges of the sunkissed horizon.

be the jOY!!!!!

Kim Mailhot said...

Oh, the wonderous joy of that place, those loved ones, that sun! So glad you are being filled with it, Gorgeous One !
Love to you !

Anonymous said...

ahhh, you and your mom are the picture of JOY!

Noelle Clearwater said...

Soak up the wonderful family love, Deb. May Joy be yours this Mother's day!

Michelle said...

oh yeah... I can smell it!