a memory
Mothers Day week 2011
this weeks prompt from 52 Photos Project
is ~a memory~
Jack, my stepfather has entered into that zone
where you might not remember what just took place
5 minutes ago, but by God, he can light up and dictate
word for word with descriptive detail what happened that afternoon on the job at Bell Helicopter the day he got promoted like it just took place 5 minutes ago.
From the time he stands up from the couch
shuffles his feet a bit, he has already forgotten
the reason why
But I am here to tell ya
He never forgets to tell my Mom how much he loves her
several times an hour
He never forgets to make the morning coffee
He never forgets how to be a gentleman
He never forgets to lock the front door
Jack, I love you.
and all the sweet precious memories
I have of knowing you for the past 14 years
Thanks, Deb, for the beautiful tribute. One small correction - it was Boeing, not Bell Helicopter. Each day is a challenge & I treasure the memories.
Hey Deb, you and your Mom are so lucky to have Jack ... thank you for sharing.
Mom...I suppose it's MY memory failing as well..Boeing it is!!
Thanks for sharing a bit of who Jack is with us, Beautiful One. That Love is a gift.
hugs !
this is love.
you have captured my heart along with theirs.
(you never forget to do this...capture the essence of love in all your photos.)
thanks for sharing jack with us....isn't it amazing how we can love so many people in our lifetime. how lucky are we ?
Such a sweet story!
in tears - good tears... thanks :)
I knew you would write about your mom. You are so lucky to have her as a mom. I think she's pretty cool! And you're both lucky to have Jack.
What a blessing!
Dear Deb,
Thanks for this post. It really moves me.
Wow! What a wonderful memory and tribute.
wow what a powerful memory and amazing photos!
- I love that your mom left you a correction comment!!
Deb.. honestly, this captures the theme from so many angles. A beautiful tribute to your stepfather. xo
Thanks for introducing Jack to me. And your mom. she did that herself by the way ;D Such a precious post. Such beautiful photos. Love. Love to you Deb.
a lovely celebration of love in words and images - thank you for the reminder of what is really valuable ...
xo Lis
...tissue please...
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