Friday, October 7, 2011

Hello October haiku

 Hello October
Prickly summer heat is gone
Front porch welcomes me

haiku my heart 


Nanka said...

Lovely and what a coincidence!! My first Haiku (Little Things) at HMH speaks of you and fits your photo well!! :)

Dianne said...

Very nice! Like the fall air!

Kim Mailhot said...

Yay for cooler temps and front porch fun, Lovely Deb ! Enjoy!
Love ya !

(Pssst, Red Tutu alert on : !)

Anonymous said...

ahhh, to sit in the October evening barefooted. Raising a glass to you!

Ramesh Sood said...

Well, even in India where I stay..the weather has been so very pleasant.. spent sometime sitting in the balcony talking to my plants.. a few of them grew along with me in those moments.. Your haiku is very beautiful..

Rosie said...

That's so great! I wish I had a welcoming porch now too!! Great haiku! =)

rebecca said...

you are the perfect sultry sun on any porch of life. oh to transport you to mine.

Cheryl said...

You said it all. Hooray for Fall!

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

That old mama chair
just set you down in her lap
to hold you tight, Deb!

Spadoman said...

Hello Deb Taylor... You look very happy in that chair.Your words sum up the feeling perfectly.


Meri said...

Settled in comfort, cup in hand, laughing. What could be better?

Anonymous said...

Raising my glass to this fabulous cooler weather and you Deb! cheers!
I am anon because blogger is out to lunch.

Hazel said...

Wonderful what lovely thoughts are written out from charming porches!

kt40s said...

love that cozy chair on the porch and the beautiful woman sitting in it.

Susie Clevenger said...

Love this...prickly summer heat gone...the front porch welcomes...