Thursday, October 13, 2011

Sharing my JOY!

I have some exciting news to share with you
My Bed & Breakfast home has been sold 
and we are moving to the Country!!

We are renting this home in Round Top for a while until the dust settles as it happened so fast.
We did not have the house on the market, 
but a couple wanting a life change to move to the country and run a B&B
stumbled into our path, and we are all running with it!

So for now, I am happy, calm, and peaceful 
when I sit on this huge, porch
looking forward to some long days of creating, sewing 
and cooking again


Teteel said...

I Wish you to be very happy in your new home!!!
It is so beautiful!
A new start, is a great opportunity for everything!!!
Much love many kisses!!!

Hashi said...

Wonderful Deb ... I am excited to follow you and Matt into this next adventure. Good luck with the packing!

Kim Mailhot said...

Life sure brings you big changes all at once, Beautiful Deb. It must be what your Soul is calling for. It is so good to know you are peaceful and happy and at home with the new ones. Enjoy that awesome porch.
Much Love !

rebecca said...

oh girl i have been with you on this whirlwind ride! i feel your peace. now seeing this enormous front porch..and from the looks of it, at least from a distance, no home improvement projects on the horizon, i am loving your open dance card! yep, i am thinking matt is loving this too!
girl....i see friends, family, i hear music and taste the delicious food of sharing all going on that inviting front porch!

welcome to your BIG BEAUTIFUL LIFE!

Unknown said...

Change is constant.
And what a great porch to contemplate the past, present, and future!

Gayle said...

Yup, you look happy!!!!!!
Congratulations on a new adventure!!

kerin rose said...

It looks like you are going from country to country-er!...
congrats to you! :)

kt40s said...

this house and you, looks like you both found each other again...because really it looks like you were meant for each other all along.
happy for you!

Diana Holmes said...

What a beautiful place, Deb! So very excited for you and Matt. A new chapter in your book of happiness:)

Dianne said...

Congrats! You're going to have so much fun nesting in your new nest! Love the hat!

windrock studio said...

Hey Deb, that is great news! Sometimes the unexpected is the very best ~ you and Matt are smart to just go with the flow and enjoy ... I hold joy in my heart for you.

LB said...

Isn't it funny how things fall into place right when they are supposed to? Love the new house in the country. I could do some major NOTHING on that porch. Beautiful.

Meri said...

You're so dang cute I can't stand it. And the new home is perfect -- love the porch.

Unknown said...

I so love to hear when someone has a dream come true. Kudos for you and the buyers on a new start. I am so happy in our home even thought I hate getting old. Got to look at it a different way, I guess. I am loving my blogging time now and the time for art and stitchery. Blessings
to you and yours. Love the country.

Anonymous said...

Look at that big ole porch at the end of this beautiful lane.

Congrats! on being OPEN to what ever the world brings your way...


Bella said...

Oooh! Awesome, Deb. I'm excited for the adventures to come in your new home (which is beautiful!). xo

Cheryl said...

You blow me away!