Sunday, August 23, 2009

and it is good

when girlfriends gather. it is nothing but laughter, hugs, gentle kisses, soft hands, bottomless glasses of wine, endless moments on the porch, naps, conversations that involve the Angels, old demons, past lives and lovers; delicious foods that nourish more then the belly....every cell comes alive with mint, basil, cilantro, Alaskan Salmon, red curry, peanut and chili sauce, cucumber, yogurt and more wine, and more wine and more candles and more Angels, Saints and Valentines!


Meri said...

My girlfriend trip commences in two weeks. Hip hip hooray!

Staci Danford said...

Been gone and so busy and haven't had a chance to visit my BLOg friends.. Missed you.. Had to read them all and play catch up. Enjoyed every word.. So glad to count myself as someone who knows you..

Darla said...

ah, gotta love the girlfriend times. more wine, more wine, laughter and conversation, and yes, good food, it's perfection. you are making me want a getaway dear, and i am trying to get kids back to school!ha ha- lovely photos. ;)

Anonymous said...

girlfriend is crucial! Raising my glass to you and your girls!!


Michelle said...

Sweet, sweet.

Kim Mailhot said...

Wonderful and sooooo good for the Soul ! Glad I got to be a little part of it !;)
Here's to our girls ! What would we do without 'em ?