Sunday, August 16, 2009

fear of the unknown

a friend came to my house today. she is scared and sad. normally her mood is up, silly, and loud. but today she is down, serious and quiet. she asked me to photograph her left breast, because after Tuesday it will never be the same. She will have a lumpectomy. We took several poses, in different light, from different angles. Her body is curvy and beautiful. Her hair was curled and shiny. I am not a doctor, but I hugged her hard with my healthy breasts and told her "everything will be alright" Of course it's how I think. But it's not my left breast with an uninvited visitor. So I will light the candles, send her vibes of health and well being, along with my other girls who come to mind fighting battles of their own...Stacey, Erin, Paula and Marilynn. Click here if you wish to follow her story. I think it's time for me to schedule my Mammy


Anonymous said...

I am sending best wishes to your dear friend...I have had too many dear friends in this same place.

Just celebrated one's new 'girls'...what she has gone through even though to look at her you would not guess.


Kim Mailhot said...

The hug and love and care you gave your friend is what makes it all alright - at least in that moment it totally was...
Sending prayers and also huge bundles of gratitude for the joys of friendship and love.
You are a good friend, beautiful Deb.

Teteel said...

Μy thougts, my prayers and my wishes for recovering health, for your friend.I have a friend with the same problem. She is very well now.All will be perfect. Much Love for her and for you.

rebecca said...

important post..
raw.... real.
perhaps we should do a blog challenge...
to pick up the phone and schedule over looked tests...
lighting candles from afar

deb did it said...

great idea Rebecca. Important comment.

Meri said...

I went through a similar scare years ago, with a small mass showing up that was too close to my ribs to feel in a self-exam. The period of time between detection and excision was a living hell -- it couldn't come out soon enough. Let's all pray her results are like mine: a benign growth.

Brenda said...

Thank you so much Deb for your wonderful sweet words, and your healing hugs and vibes. The pictures are the best, you do the most amazing work.
I would be empty without your friendship and love in my life, and I thank you for that.
And thank you to all the wonderful well-wishes from your many friends.
With the deepest respect and love, Thank you.

Traveling Gypsy said...

Thank you for sharing this with us! Brenda is in my prayers! Your words are beautifully written!

Joann Loftus said...

Thanks for your post, Deb. The photos are beautiful. I went to visit Brenda's blog. She has a very good friend in you. Sending positive thoughts and prayers to both of you. ~Joann

Staci Danford said...

What a wonderful thing you did for her. And your words are so touching. I will be thinking of her and sending my very best thoughts.

Brenda said...

My dearest Deb, your words and your friends, as well as mine, and your mom have truly lifted my spirits. I can feel it. Everyone is amazing and wonderful, and it is so true, that we are each other's I thank you and everyone for their well wishes and touching thoughts. I can not put into words how full my heart feels at this very moment. You are all angels and I thank you. With the deepest admiration and respect, you are an amazing woman.

Miss Robyn said...

I am still reading your blog.. I wonder if your friend survived the cancer? I tried to visit her blog but it is closed now.
I too am a cancer survivor - 10 years at the end of July.. but each time i go for a checkup - it is like it was yesterday.. the fear creeps back xo