Friday, December 17, 2010

going, going, GONE!

 I have been sewing some pretty fun things this week with felted wool sweaters and t-shirts. The little trees were just plain ol fun to make since I am not having a tree this year, I wanted to make my own village of trees! Then someone comes along and buys my trees, so now I am planting some new wool seeds to grow more. I am a firm believer in reforesting! 
 And the owls flew out the door to their new owners homes...WHO knew sewing at home 
could be so much fun and a teeny bit profitable! 
 I am also crazy about sewing these sewing machine cozies from vintage linens, mens shirts and tshirts.
Now my sewing machines are warm and cozy for the winter! 
(yep, they are for sale!!) 
I'll make more!
and of course I continue to make more Army Owls
Peace OWLt


Dianne said...

How cute are these!!! I'm getting a sewing machine for Christmas... Right now I'm sewing everything by hand. I've been making wrist cuffs and stuff... Your trees look like such fun!

sperlygirl said...

oh deb, i do hope you are going to make some more of the sewing machine cozies (i adore the bird one!) to list in your etsy shop!! they are wonderful. as are those owls. i will keep checking your shop just in case. :)

Kim Mailhot said...

You are a wonderful sewing fool, Miss Deb ! How gorgeous are those little trees ! And the hootie owls! Yummy ! Glad you made some xmas money for them too.
(dreaming of fla...;))
Hugs !

Anonymous said...

your warm and woolie christmas trees are to die for...

you are creating a peaceFULL holiday feeling here.
