Monday, December 13, 2010

Peace Prayer Flags

Today begins my peaceful, easy feeling about the month of December. 
 We refuse to buy into the Holiday Falderah.  
We choose to celebrate every day we have together peacefully, mindfully, thankfully and creatively!  
 I sewed, painted and sold 20 sets of these Prayer Flags.  
Now the new owners display and fly freely their very own wishes, hopes, dreams and prayers for PEACE


sperlygirl said...

these are great - and i so love your attitude about the holidays, deb. you are pure magic!!

Anonymous said...

How I love a laid back peaceFULL holiday. I don't buy into the holiday hubbub but cherish time with friends and family, food and wine.

Here Here!!


Spadoman said...

I so wish I could change the attitude here, but with kids ranging from 3 to 12 who have had consumerism jammed down their throats, it's hard.
I know I could be an example, and I do send the right messages. I guess I am doing what I have to do. But then again, peace has and always will be, one of the messages that comes with the gifts.
A good thing you do. The peace flags are great!


beth said...

you know that song...."cause you're cooler than me" and honest to god, you really are !!
those flags are fantastic....and spaghetti straps ?
i had leggings on today under my jeans....and 3 layers, on my top half, under my jacket....and gloves with fingers in them which is just wrong in so many ways....

eb said...

Deb did it!

xox - eb.

Dianne said...

Love them!