Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Share the Joy Thursday

 Once in a while, a good friend stops over for the weekend, 
and brings along a new friend.
 Beth, from Ohio, had never been to Central Texas, 
so we took her on a walk-about.
  It was undoubtedly a JOYous occasion to wander the backroads with "new eyes" all around
 She fell in love that day!
and so did I...
with my beautiful simple life
right under my nose!
photo by Beth Rankin

come share your JOY


Meri said...

I wish I'd been there to frolic with you -- looks like you all had a great time horsin' around.

Anonymous said...

looks like a great day. i love the horse.

Kim Mailhot said...

Gorgeous ! I can't wait to go walkabout with you, Deb, and experience that joy !
Hugs to you, Brilliant One !

Unknown said...

Isn't it wonderful how a day with someone new in your space can open your eyes to the beauty that surrounds you.

Have a joyful Thursday.

Teteel said...

Great company, amazing photos!
Such a beautiful day!
Such a wonderful life!

Anonymous said...

You live in a WONDER land!!


Joann Castrillo said...

Amazing pictures! My kind of day :-)

eb said...

JOYful indeed!
someday I will BE that Beth...
xox - eb.